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S C H O O L   P O L I C I E S


  • To provide time for informal socialization before class hour, the children are expected to be brought to school 5-10 minutes before time.

  • In case a child is absent for valid reason, an excuse letter should be presented to the Office of the Director on the day the child reports back to school.

  • Suspension of Classes should be observed in the following:

  •               Preschool - Typhoon Signal No. 1

  • Parents should discourage children from bringing to school materials such as toys, pieces of jewelry, and other things that will distract their attention from the lesson and prevent them from participating in class.

  • Communication between the teacher and the parents shall be made through the Diary of the children. In case the parents wish to confer with the teacher, an appointment should be made in writing.

  • Periodically, a report about the performance of the children will be made. Parents are expected to claim the Report Cards from the adviser and if needed, a conference will be Meld for the purpose of clarifying academic matters.

  • Offenses Subject to Disciplinary Action  

                 Misbehavior- hurting other students intentionally





  • The school needs the cooperation of the parents in developing the habits of personal hygiene and good grooming in the student. The school uniform is the device for such training. The student should come to school in the prescribed uniform.

  • To provide time for informal socialization before class hours, the students are expected to be brought to school 5 to 10 minutes before time.

  • Regular attendance is important if the student is to profit from the daily activities in class.

  • A student who has been absent previously will be admitted to class only if he/she can present to his/her class adviser a letter of excuse from his/her parent or guardian.

  • A student who has been absent in excess of the 20% of the total number of school days during the school year shall be dropped as per Department of Education regulation.

  • To develop the habit of punctuality early in life, coming on time for all classes, assemblies, exercises, and the like is expected to every Ann Marrisian.

  • The students are required to wear I.D. from the time they enter the school campus until dismissal.

  • Students must come to school equipped with the complete materials prescribed for class, such as books, pen, notebooks, pad paper and the like.

  • Unnecessary materials which are not related to schoolwork, such as cell phones, Walkman, MP3, comic books, toys; playing cards etc., are also prohibited.

  • The boys are required to maintain a conventional, decent, ad manly haircut.

  • The student must handle school property with care and keep the buildings and the campus neat and clean.

  • To develop good study habits, assignment will be given regularly. It is expected that parents will supervise the children in doing their homework.

  • Periodic assessment of the children’s performances will be done through written examination.

  • As a rule, students are not allowed to be absent during examination days. However, if for a valid reason, a child fails to take the test, a special examination will be administered.

  • Field trip is compulsory to all elementary students. Class Night is compulsory to all Grade 3 to Grade 6 students.

  • Communication between teachers and parents will be made through the Diary. In case the parents wish to confer with the teachers, an appointment should be made in writing.

  • Periodically, a report on the performance of the children will be made. Parents are expected to claim the Report Card from the class advisers.

  • Suspensions of classes should be observed on the following conditions:

            For Preschool                                        Typhoon Signal No. 1

            For Grade School                                  Typhoon Signal No. 2

            For High School                                     Typhoon Signal No. 2


  • As a rule, the children are dismissed when the bell rings. However, in case of emergency with a valid reason, where the child will leave the school earlier than dismissal time, a letter from the parent or guardian will be required before the child will be excused from classes.

  • The following offenses may subject a student suspension or dismissal, depending on the degree of the offense committed:

    Cheating and stealing

    Vandalism and/or destroying school property

    Cutting classes

    Disrespect or insult to authority and teachers

    Fighting inside school premises

  • Other offenses which are subject to disciplinary measures are the following:

    Eating chewing gum during class hour

    Playing games during class hour

    Using foul/dirty language and cursing

    Habitual failure to do one’s assignment

    Misbehavior causing disturbances in the classroom

    Bullying acts






  • Strictly no eating or chewing gum inside the classroom.

  • Refrain from using vulgar language and committing acts that are disrespectful and indecent against teachers, fellow students, parents, and other personnel.

  • Refrain from bringing to school things like pictures, objects, or literature that are morally offensive.

  • Never carry deadly weapons or any sharp object that may or figures, on blackboards, chairs, and walls.

  • Never curve, write, or draw indecent of profane words of figures, on blackboard, chairs, and walls.

  • Refrain from  throwing waste paper/sanitary napkins or spitting anywhere except receptacles provided for those purposes

  • Never go out of the school campus before your dismissal time.

  • Never lend your ID card to anybody

  • Give due respect to school officials, guests, teachers, schoolmates, school helpers, and other personnel. Courtesy and politeness should be practice all times.

  • Never enter the school campus and, more so, the classrooms when drunk or under the influence of drug.

  • Refrain from smoking and experimenting with prohibited drugs.

  • Refrain from gambling in and out of the school campus.

  • Refrain from cutting classes.

  • Never falsify documents, especially those related to scholastic records.

  • Never cheat during examinations.

  • Never join illegal or unrecognized organization/fraternities

  • Refrain from engaging in quarrels and fights with classmates, schoolmates, etc.

  • Never steal from anybody inside and outside the school.

  • Never extort money for the use of cellular phones and other expensive electronic gadgets.

  • Boyfriend-girlfriend relationship is strictly prohibited.

  • Uphold and protect the dignity of AMMS “in thoughts, in words, and in deeds” wherever you are”

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